Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tortoise and Hare Workout

Here's something fun to spice up your spin workout!
We've all heard of the story about the tortoise and the hare. The tortoise is slow and steady and the hare is fast but in the end the tortoise wins the race. 
With this version, the tortoise and hare end up meeting up in the middle.

Here is what you do. With a workout buddy decide who's going to be the tortoise or the hare.
The tortoise is going to gradually add resistance 6 times, one increase/minute
The hare is going to gradually increase speed 6 times, one increase/minute

After these 6 increases in either resistance or speed, you will switch roles!
The tortoise is going to keep the resistance he/she added then gradually add speed 6 times, one increase/minute
The hare is going to keep the speed he/she added then gradually add resistance 6 times, one increase/minute

You can do this with running as well by where the tortoise adds incline and the hare adds speed. 
This is a very difficult workout but it's fun!
Be creative! Change it up how you'd like, for example instead of one minute do 30 second increases

Till Next Time!


  1. Sounds exhausting, but great idea! I've actually never done a spin workout. Are they fun?

  2. Spin class is intense but I love it! I think you'd like it.
