Friday, June 10, 2011

Friday Military Fill-In 6-10-11

I thought it would be fun to join in on the Friday Military Fill-In! So here are my answers :-)

1. When you vacation what type of vacation do you like to take (beach, historic, adventurous, food oriented, etc.)? submitted by Megan Dub-Yuh
I love both the beach and mountains but I would have to say my favorite vacations have been to the mountains. I absolutely loved my stay in the Alps in Switzerland.The views were spectacular. We got to experience so many new things like eating freshly made cheese, ice cream and milk and going for a boat ride on clear blue glacier water. We also had the perfect setting for tons of hiking and mountain biking. I loved the cows with their bells too. 
2. What is your best memory associated with a song (you know we all have tons!)? submitted by Ramblings of a Marine Wife
There are so many to choose from but I would have to say Pachelbel's Canon in D, it's the song I walked down the aisle to for our wedding. I've always enjoyed this piece of music, its always been my go-to for  a way to relax. 
3. If you had six months with no obligations or financial constraints, what would you do with your time? submitted by Married to the Army
 I would love to go back to Europe with my husband. There are SO many places there that I would like to see again and many new places I'd like to see and actually take my time while there. I think I would also like to experience Vegas with my husband or a girl's trip of course. I have driven through there so many times moving to the west coast and then back out east but I have never actually gotten the chance to stay there and see the shows or stay at the fancy hotels. 

4. What is one thing about you that people do NOT typically notice at first that you wish they would? submitted by Our Motto is Patience
I guess I would have to say that I wish people would notice that I was actually an extrovert. I love being around people and doing new things but I have a tendency to be on the quieter side when I first meet people. I'm still fun don't get me wrong but I tend to take on a more listener role. It can take a little to become my more out-going self. This is something I guess I could work on and change, but you are who you are. 
5.   …. submitted by The Three TurnersIt’s a summer of sequels, and if you had to live in one of each of the following “worlds” (there are three total) which would you choose and why? 
–X-Men: Be a Mutant, what would your power be? I think it would be fun to fly. That would save a lot of money on plane tickets, ha!
–Harry Potter: Be a Witch or Muggle? Hmm, I haven't read these books for years, I guess it would be fun to have the powers!
–Twilight: Be a Vampire or Werewolf? I don't know, this is a hard one. A vampire lives a LONG time and that's a lot of hair to deal with if I was a werewolf. I guess I would be a vampire that hunted animals instead of humans, hehe. 

Till Next Time!


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